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Bookworms and... Booya! (book 1) Page 5

one of the people who'd gone against Sorceress Ultimecia to know it. So, I decided to enjoy the daydream and the memory while promising myself to do it again sometime.

  I think I floated down the halls to the library. In fact, I vaguely remember hearing giggles and whispers of "what's with her" as I passed. But I didn't care. Life was good. You did it, Sally. You had a somewhat two-sided conversation with Zell, you didn't make a fool of yourself, and... Well, who cares what else! I felt all warm and fuzzy and found myself giggling at silly things.

  Again, I didn't care.

  At the library I had a pleasant surprise. Zell's books were in. I thwumped my bag onto the counter and scooted behind the computer almost at the same time another instant message chirped up onto the window. It was Zell. I wonder if he even realizes I'm the girl from the cafeteria yesterday? Of course, I was logged on as 'Balamb Librarian'. Not very exciting.

  BOOYABOY: i no i axd yestrdy, but r the books in?

  I smiled as I quickly typed a reply. BALAMB_LIBRARIAN: As a matter of fact, they arrived this morning.

  BOOYABOY: gr8! il stop omw 2 clas. thx.

  BALAMB_LIBRARIAN: You're welcome.

  He logged off and I got attacked by goose pimples. Zell's coming by the library!

  So I set the books he'd ordered out of harm's way--to the left of the computer--and finished my chores of going through the previous bulletin postings, clearing the email inbox, and checking in the returned books. Then I filed those away and looked for more stuff to do.

  I couldn't really concentrate on anything, though, because all I heard was the too-slow tick-tock-tick-tock of the clock. I knew Zell's schedule. His first class wasn't for another hour. Oh phooey. I'll die of boredom and expectation before he comes. I giggled at how pathetic yet wonderful that sounded, ignored the odd looks sent my way, and traipsed back to the computer. I needed to do research on Guardian Forces and the cause/effect relationship with those that used them. Not very exciting, but if it made the time go by faster, I'd take it.

  Besides, it was interesting.

  "Hey. It's the hot dog fairy."

  I blinked and turned. Tattoo. Grin. Spiked blonde hair. Gorgeous eyes. Zell. Zell Dincht. I looked up at the clock. Same time. My eyes quickly migrated back to Zell. He'd dressed in his usual Balamb-blue sweatpants with the Balamb emblem on the left pantleg, and a gray sweatshirt with the raised letters 'Mach Kick' across the front--along with several things symbolizing painful contact with people's various body parts.

  He looked good enough to squeeze.

  I blinked again as he leaned against the counter with his infamous lopsided smile.

  Zell gave me a salute of finger to forehead. "Hiya."

  I swallowed my heart so that I could say something. "Hi." Maybe I should reach out and touch him to make sure he's real?

  But he suddenly snapped his fingers with an accompanying exaggerated movement of his body in a type of 'Duh'. "Now I remember where I've seen you before! Mega Phoenix!"

  I flushed molten. He remembers me? "Guilty," I confessed with a sheepish nod.

  "Hey, thanks a lot for that. We didn't need it, but it was handy to have."

  Hyne, am I awake? I pinched myself and winced. "I'm glad."

  "Me, too. And thanks a lot for that Combat King issue you gave on the train! That issue so rocked! I really needed that move against Ultimecia's goons."

  I blushed so hot I thought I might spontaneously combust. "Y-You're welcome." Why can't I say any more than two words?!

  Zell continued to smile at me for several silent seconds before saying, "So... books?"

  "Oh! Sorry." I turned in the chair and placed the books onto the counter one at a time after checking them out onto his account.

  Zell gathered them under one arm before giving another grin and salute. "Thanks. Later." Then he snapped his fingers again in an 'oh yeah'. "Zell." He stuck out a hand after wiping it on his pant leg. "Zell Dincht."

  I couldn't believe I was doing it, but I reached out and took his hand. His enveloped mine in a... hug. A warm, soft, and very nice hug. "Sally Regal," I squeaked.


  He said my name! And I nearly passed out when Zell sent me one of those 'I'm adorable, you've gotta love me' smiles.

  "Better than 'the librarian'." Then he jerked a thumb in a motion behind him. "Why dontcha stop by class after you get outta here--I'm in the Training Center all day--and we'll pop by the cafeteria to grab more hot dogs." He grinned. "Physical Endurance Tests today. I'll be hungry."

  I smiled and giggled, much to my surprise. "Uh-oh. I'm sensing a pattern." I felt a wave of teasing come over me and put my hands on my hips. "You're not using me are you, Mr. Dincht?" Who are you, and what have you done with Sally Regal?

  Zell's grin broadened as he backed away toward the exit. "Yup."

  Then he disappeared into the corridor. I leaned my arms onto the counter, cupping my face in my hands as I wistfully stared at the exit. Sally, whatever you do, don't wake up!

  I didn't.

  It was busy that day, probably because of exams, and there were constant bodies to and from class. I didn't leave the library for break or lunch, but it didn't matter. I had plans. You have plans, Sally, with Zell Dincht! It was enough to put a lilt in my voice, a glow in my eyes, and a spring in my step.

  Then my bubble popped.

  I slumped into the chair behind the computer with the realization that there was no guarantee of a hot dog feast when I got to the cafeteria. I told him I never asked her to save them, didn't I? If she didn't have any, he wouldn't be too disappointed, would he? But there was nothing I could do about it. I'd have to do my best to give him a heads-up when I met him in the Training Center. Not exactly the best thing to look forward to when you're about to go out with the guy of your dreams. That look of disappointment was the last thing I wanted to see, especially when my ability to get him hot dogs might really have been his only interest.

  Not only had the bubble burst, my cloud lost altitude fast.

  I tried not to, really I did, but I began to mope. I started to dread what I was going to say, as well as the possible reaction to each. Come on, Sally, don't do this. He's easy going, remember? He'll shrug it off. Just be prepared with an alternate plan. Alternate plan like what? I couldn't exactly invite him to Balamb for dinner. Could I? The thought made me queasy and nervous and--and am I actually considering it? I must have hit my head on the bedpost that morning.

  "Bye, Theresa," I mumbled as I slung my bag over my shoulder.


  I was oh-so-tempted to keep walking past the Training Center, but the thought of Zell expecting me--something I never thought would happen--kept me plodding forward. Tough situations, oh how I hate them. It wasn't that I was a coward, because I don't think I am, I just didn't like hurting people. Whether or not it's my fault doesn't matter. The last thing I wanted was to dash Zell's hopes of a hot dog feast. But you can't keep life perfect, Sally. Situations like this happen every day. You just have to learn how to deal and move on. Like Zell.

  Like Zell.

  Yes, I did like Zell.

  I sighed and kicked at a pine cone as I entered the first section of the Training Center. I could still hear Zell's class inside, they were laughing of course, so I decided to sit on the rock I'd sat on before and wait. The extra time would be good for me. I had to pull my spirits out of the basement by reminding myself that Zell Dincht had asked me to come by after class. I had to remind myself that I had the perfect opportunity to get to know him better. I stared down at my hand--the one he'd held so firm, but gentle. Warm. Comforting--

  I squeezed my hand and eyes shut tight. Then I shook my head and stood.

  But I could only stare at the exit, gnawing my lower lip as I gripped the strap of my bag. I was terrified, to put it simply. Not of Zell. No. He was a sweetie. No, I was scared of the situation. Of the possibilities, both good and bad.

  Mostly bad.

  How did girls do this on even a semi-regular basis?
Didn't it hurt to say 'good-bye' to someone you'd thought you'd been in love with? Was the risk of being hurt worth the short little bit of happiness? I didn't know if I was brave enough to find out. I wanted to but.... I rubbed my forehead with cold fingers. The fear squeezed my throat, threatening tears. Maybe it wasn't fear? Maybe it was relief? That I finally had a chance. That I was giving myself one.

  I looked over my shoulder at the closed gates of the deeper section of the Training Center. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Zell's worth the venture, isn't he? I released a deep breath and forced myself to sit down. Yes. He is.

  The adventure started soon thereafter.

  Zell ushered the class from the Training Center, made sure the gates closed securely behind him, and then adjusted the strap of his duffel over his shoulder. He was still dressed in his blue sweatpants with the Balamb insignia in white on the left leg, but he'd shed his sweatshirt for a T-shirt with the words 'Balamb Rocks' emblazoned in dark blue letters.

  He saw me and smiled with a "hey" lift of his head.

  Really? I'm not dreaming?

  I stood, timidly smiling as I worked the strap of my bag to death. "Class sounded fun," I said quietly.

  "Tests should always be fun."

  I fell into step beside him, staring at the ground. "Yes, they should." I'd have fun if you taught my classes.

  "I probably would've gotten a higher SeeD rank if my Instructor'd made it more fun." Zell looked over at me. "Who d'you have?"

  "Instr-- Selphie," I corrected.

  "Selphie?" Zell laughed. "Your tests oughta be a