Life's Lessons on Stress Page 26
Chapter Eight
Investigation Findings
The following is a report of findings regarding listed individuals having possible negative effects on the proposed building of an additional Garden in Winhill. All facts were gathered using appropriate action and resources as well as a non-invasion of privacy and non-abuse of personal rights. Witness to interview legality was Instructor Zell Dincht, SeeD Rank 24. Interviews performed by Special Security Officer Priscilla Regal, SeeD Rank 10.
Interview One: Sargent Raimond Gadd, ret.; Demolition Expert; 'Sorceress War' Veteran; Multiple commendations as follows: 'Bravery Above and Beyond' (awarded twice), 'Injured Performing Outside the Line of Duty' (three-time award), 'Presidential Commendation for Honor & Bravery behind Enemy Lines'.
Sgt. Gadd entered the interview easily and at full attention, answering all questions succinctly and with appropriate attention to detail. When questioned multiple times on specific facts, answers remained the same and no irritation or aggravation was present. Background investigation revealed detailed records of awards and corresponding reason/action for same. Personnel manifests of assigned military company and photographs on file as identification correlate with presented facts. Presented dates of engagements and retreats also correlate with facts on record, dutifully notarized by military intelligence. This interviewer is so then convinced Sgt. Gadd is an actual war veteran seeing many years of service and acting in the best interests of his command and political persuasion.
When questioned on benefits and negatives of a Garden installation in Winhill, Sgt. Gadd's answers continued to be succinct and appropriate to his experience and expertise. Sgt. Gadd commends President Laguna Loire for recommendation of installation and benefits said installation would encourage; i.e. economy, due to increase in population and awareness of location. Singular negative concern worthy of note was Sgt. Gadd's certainty that Garden installation would increase negative activity in area due to same increased attention. Point taken and noted; recommended to be addressed by Special Security Division Lead, Sub-Lt Cmdr. Seifer Almasy, SeeD Rank 20.
Sgt. Gadd volunteered services to construction of facility as well as enrollment into SeeD forces held within same; enrollment request noted and to be addressed by Special Security Division Lead, Sub-Lt Cmdr. Seifer Almasy, SeeD Rank 20.
Interview Two: Timothi Rasmusen; Surveyor; No special commendations or recommendations; No negative reports or actions on file.
Background investigation revealed inconsistencies as follows:
1. No birth history secondary to verified fire within Infant Care Ward of Deling City General Hospital. Resulting in unverifiable DNA and footprint.
2. Unable to verify spousal illness secondary to primary care physician's death due to heart failure. Records on file show significant proof as to spousal illness; Diagnosis consistent with cancerous growth of the lung. Due to primary care physician's inability to verify, this interviewer is hesitant to view diagnosis as fact based solely on records present. Spouse not available for questioning secondary to last stated primary care physician recommendation of attending specialty clinic in Esthar. Clinic existence verified. Spousal attendance unverified secondary to lack of time to await response.
3. Mr. Rasmusen's Surveyor Certification verified. Previous employment unable to be verified secondary to dissolution of company and seizure of records by Revenue Services.
Amount of inconsistencies within background investigation added to initial suspicion. Mr. Rasmusen's responses to questions certifying surveyor certification, spousal illness, and personal view on installment of Garden were well-voiced with initial hesitations and believable pauses and grammatical errors within statements. Mr. Rasmusen volunteered information of previous conflicts during college with individuals whom tended toward radical behavior and fanatical activities. Provided names and last-known places of residence (see enclosed).
Due to overwhelming number of inconsistencies, which deliberately place Mr. Rasmusen under suspicion, further investigation is warranted. Investigation to involve questioning of spouse, once response is received from clinic in Esthar, and questioning of listed individuals. Investigation request to be addressed by Special Security Division Lead, Sub-Lt Cmdr. Seifer Almasy, SeeD Rank 20.
Interview Three: Brock Talgenet; Foreman; Criminal record as follows: 'Aggravated Assault', 30 days in solitary confinement. Pertinent History: Mr. Talgenet suffered the loss of two brothers and a niece in the war against Galbadia. Pertinent Behavioral Observations: Mr. Talgenet presented with a hostile attitude toward both this interviewer and Instructor Dincht. Mr. Talgenet refused to cooperate with this interview until Instructor Dincht revealed our base of operations to be Balamb Garden. After this revelation of information, Mr. Talgenet offered thanks for the defense against Galbadia at Dollet as well as presenting a more cooperative attitude toward this interviewer's questions.
Background Investigation revealed nothing of note until loss of family life in Galbadian War. Mr. Talgenet's work record consisted of perfect attendance, high marks on employer reviews, and several letters of recommendations from various business establishments (see enclosed).
Mr. Talgenet initiated the interview with questions of this interviewer regarding standing within Garden Network, Garden plans for proposed facility, update on Galbadian hostilities, and status of President Deling. This interviewer answered proposed questions with de-classified information, using offered answers to gain trust and credibility and to ensure truthful answers and cooperation from Mr. Talgenet. As Mr. Talgenet's questions were answered, hostilities lessened and spontaneous offerings of intelligence were noted.
Mr. Talgenet confessed to plotting possible sabotage of Garden construction had Galbadia Garden been found to be initiator of proposal. This interviewer offered Intel as to Commander Squall's placement as Lead Commander of Garden Network and President Laguna Loire as initiator of proposal. Mr. Talgenet received intel with favorable change in attitude while offering congratulations to the Commander and assurances of participation with installation of the facility.
While assurances seemed genuine and alteration in attitudes appeared sincere, this interviewer believes continued surveillance is warranted due to unique approach necessary for interview success.
Interviews Four and Five were unable to be performed due to non-appearance of landowners in question. Personal delivery of appointment cards was not completed in either case. Recommend further investigation by Security Detail Special Forces. Recommendation forwarded to and to be addressed by Special Security Division Lead, Sub-Lt Cmdr. Seifer Almasy, SeeD Rank 20.
This concludes this investigative report.
Priscilla Regal, SSO-10
Special Security Officer--SeeD Rank 10
"There." I peeked at Zell from under my lashes as I straightened the short report. We were in the cafeteria having dinner, only just back from Winhill. "What did you think? Did it sound okay?"
"'Priscilla'?" Zell asked, grinning.
I cringed slightly and tucked the report into its cover again.
"Since when?"
"Since forever," I confessed reluctantly. I lifted my gaze to fully meet his. "Zell, please. I hate 'Priscilla'."
"What? How come? It's not that bad. It's kinda cute, in a nerdy way."
I grimaced. "Exactly."
Zell laughed and lightly tugged my ponytail. "Okay, okay. I won't. I promise." He motioned to the report. "Sounds good. I just wish we coulda blasted those landowners."
I nodded and set the report aside. "I know. I feel as if we left Winhill before everything was done."
"Well don't stress on it, Meg. I'm sure Seifer'll blast their ass when the time comes. Who knows? Maybe the minute he sees this report he'll send someone out undercover."
I smiled. "I hope Marshal gets told."
"Marshal? Beita-Dawg at Galbadia?" Zell asked. "How come?"
I silently giggled as I stretched my arms out in front of me. "He loves working undercover. Makes him f
eel all important and sneaky." I wrinkled my nose. "He's so funny. You should have heard how excited he was with the whole 'hacker' thing. What a goofus."
Zell laughed. "Yeah. Marshal digs that stuff; just like Fujin with that interrogation crap. Rough stuff sounds fun to them."
I grimaced and shook my head. "I'll take my computer wars any day of the week."
"Damn straight," he agreed vigorously. "Nothing dangerous for you."
I giggled. "Zell, you don't have to agree that enthusiastically. What if I want to have some adventure? Don't tell me you won't let me have one." But I knew I wouldn't miss it. I really did like my desk job. And as long as Zell worked at the same Garden as me, I was in mortal heaven.
"Hell no!" Zell said, serious. "I'll just make sure I go along with ya to make sure everything's on the up and up. Like in Winhill. No more crap like your field exam."
I smiled at him as the warm fuzzies had a field day. "That's okay then."
Zell grinned his usual boyish charm, immediately making me forget anything but him and us and how great it felt to be a couple. Even after what had happened in Winhill.
Zell stood and gently tugged me to my feet. "They're playing some kind of action flick in the Quad. You wanna go?"
I nodded. "Okay. It feels like forever since we saw a movie together."
Seeing movies with Zell was fun, sometimes more than others. Depending on the movie. Zell had a tendency of getting very involved with the characters. As in he would shout out possibilities of action as if he expected them to follow his orders. He didn't do it so much anymore now that a couple of the people had told him to keep it down or not watch the movie, but he whispered to me what he thought the people should do.
Most of them were really good ideas. Of course, I'm just a little biased.
Zell gave my hand a squeeze. "Heads up," he said quietly.
I looked up to see Seifer approaching, expression as serious as ever. My stomach hiccupped and slithered.
"Yo, Seifer," Zell greeted as he gave my hand another squeeze. "'Sup?"
"Welcome back," Seifer stated blandly. He held out his hand. "Report."
"Geez, Seifer. We were on our way." Zell took the report from me and handed it to him.
Seifer took the report and flipped through the pages, nodding absently as I bit my lip and wondered if it was all right or if I'd missed something. Zell gave my hand several squeezes, all of which I returned. I was a worry-wart when it came to my reports. And those reports to Fujin and Seifer were the worst, worry-wise that is. Zell knew it.
Seifer looked up, his hard stare burning a hole clear through my head as I continued to study the pattern of the floor. "Good. Meet me in my office tomorrow morning for a complete debrief." I peeked up in time to see Seifer glare at Zell. "Debrief is an immediate, Dincht."
"So is giving Sally time to eat and chill-out so she can debrief."
"That isn't your call."
Zell's hand tightened slightly on mine. Zell. I sent him a sidelong peek. It's okay.
He briefly clenched his jaw. "We only got here 20 minutes ago. And like I said: we were on our way."
Seifer held Zell's gaze for a moment before looking to me. "Regal, next time report immediately. Whether that report only involves informing me of your arrival back to Garden, I don't care. You report."
I slightly nodded, still staring at the floor.
"Only warning. Next time it goes in your record. Understood?"
My stomach tightened as I nodded again. "Yes, sir," I said quietly. "I'm sorry."
Seifer looked again to Zell. "Dincht?"
Zell's hand tightened on mine again. "Yeah. Screwed up. Sorry."
Seifer turned and strode away.
I sighed deep as I relaxed against Zell. "Sorry, sweetie. I knew I--"
"Not your fault. I'm the ranking officer. I know the 'do's and 'don't's." Zell released a quick breath and then pulled me close against him. "Come on, kitten. Let's go snuggle and watch that movie."